
Guildford Rugby Club

Micros Junior Development Pathway

Age Group: Micros

LTAD Stage: Active Start

Train/ Match: Just lots of FUN games

Window of Optimal Trainability (Focus of athletic training)

Introduce the development of the FUNdamentals of movement

  • Locomotion – Walking, running, dodging, Jumping, hopping, skipping & galloping
  • Stability skills (Static & dynamic) – Landing, balancing & rotation
  • Manipulative skills – throwing, catching, kicking, dribbling & passing

The ABCs (Agility, Balance and Coordination)

Overall Coaching Approach

FUN, FUN, FUN with lots of different Games.

  • It is not about Rugby at this age
  • It is about skills that allow Rugby to happen later
  • Keep them active. Minimal breaks / keep it simple
  • Use lots of different balls (Rugby, Tennis, football etc.)
  • Don’t worry if they don’t like participating at this age, esp if cold and wet. Don’t push…Can always try again when they are older

No festivals / matches etc.

Player Capacities

(Consolidate and develop previous age skills)


Individual skills

  • Passing
  • Catching
  • Running with a ball

Intro to Unit skills

  • Passing to a friend
  • Pick up and place a ball

Lots of different games / all sports / different balls etc.

Older players – Intro to rugby game






Awareness of body space

Balance – Static & dynamic

Co-ordination and manipulation

Speed & Locomotion


Self confidence

Positive attitude to sport

Self esteem

Have loads of FUN!

Lifestyle/ Personal

Basic socialisation skills




Meet new friends

Law Variations- Micros

Players per side: 0

Max pitch size: n/a

Minutes per half:

Max game time per day:

Additional variations:

Coaching tips:

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Rugby Club

Broadwater Sports Club
Guildford Road
Tel: 01483 416199


Seniors - 1's XV - 2's XV - 3's XV - Vets - Touch Rugby

Women - Gazelles

Youth Boys - U12  - U13 - U14  - U15 U15  - U16 - Colts

Youth Girls - U11 /U12 - U14 - U16 - U18

Minis/ Micros - U6  - U7 - U8 - U9 - U10  - U11

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